Arms of the Winds Error processing SSI file

Arms of the Winds

Classes that can use: All
Artifact XP:  levels off of elemental mobs
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:   You need about 1.5 groups to do this.

Artifact Level Abilities Gained

Dexterity +18
Bonus to armor factor 12

Fatigue +6


Crush 7%

Slash 7%

Thrust 7%

Damage over time / disorient

Disoriented:  Target is disoriented. They have less chance of landing melee attacks, and spells have a greater chance of affecting them.
    Melee-to-hit penalty: 5%
    Resist piercing penalty: 5%
    Target: Targetted
    Range: 350
    Duration: 1.0 min
    Casting Time: Instant
    Damage: Body
    Spell has a chance of casting when this armor is hit by an enemy.

Damage over time / disorient:  Inflicts damage to the target repeatedly over a given time period. Also disorients the target, making it more difficult for them to strike at melee targets.
    Damage per tick: 35
    Target: Targetted
    Duration: 30 sec
    Frequency: 5.0 sec
    Casting Time: Instant
    Radious: 700
    Damage: Body
    Spell has a chance of casting when this armor is hit by an enemy.

Credits: Doco

Leveling the Artifact:

this this isn't very convenient to level since it takes elementals, which basically limits me to certain genies, certain whirlwinds, and sea witch thingies.
None of which have a nice camp, so i have to roam the desert like a nomad    Nov 24
- ferzerp


I was on a raid and we managed to take out the Raging Tornado with 1 to 2 groups, even number of healers, casters, and tanks and an ungrouped rez bot (just in case).
Here's a quick breakdown:
-Healers stayed in the center of the broken pillars.
-One tank kept aggro and kited the Tornado in a circle- between the pillars and the shoreline- keeping distance from the healers so they are out of PBAE range.
-Rest of tanks kept on the Tornado and pulled back (as needed) when PBAE occured
- Had another tank watching North Shoreline by the forest for the dust devil spinners- they heal the Raging Tornado and make things far more difficult.
Take care of them as soon as they spawn and keep the Tornado away from the shore when you see this tank fighitng. Even with taunt the dust devils draw themselves to the Tornado when it gets close.

Took us about 30 minutes to get the tornado down with this methiod. Another method would be to zerg the tornado, keeping the tanks spread out around it and having alert healers. Dust devils still need to be taken care of or else
there will be a very long fight ahead.   Dec 9
- Xainryan


The Raging Tornado had a slight problem in its growth progress. This has been repaired and it is now alive and well.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

It dropped off of a Raging Tornado in the north part of the invisible harpy isle. Fish Scales were the story.
Purple, seemed to hit 200-300 a shot, then it would PBAE for about 1200-1500 damage. On a couple occasions the tanks died before anyone could get a heal off.
It CAN however be kited       Nov 20
- Doco

Anybody have any info on killing this mob? We tried it last night with a pretty strong group and he destroyed us. The mob resists all magic and pets, it chews up tanks with hits insta-800 multishot pbaoe hits. It goes after healers after 1 heal (even with protects). It level's itself up with smaller dust devils, which for 30 minutes we killed so he couldn't level up, and it didn't downgrade its power.    Nov 24
- Fester

Scroll pieces:  Fish Scales

When /interacted with the statement for the Silvery Fish Scale goes as follows now:
You try to read the words written upon the fish scales but they seem to be under a spell.  The only word you can make out is 'Winds'.  Perhaps attaching this scale to the others will break the spell.       Nov 17
- Juansanchez VillaLobosRamirez

Piece 1 of 3:  Silvery Fish Scale
Melos golem masters, Melos protectors
Piece 2 of 3:  Bronze Fish Scale
The apprentice did not give this information, probably a bug.
Piece 3 of 3:  Golden Fish Scale
The apprentice did not give this information, probably a bug.

Error processing SSI file
Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de  le 02/03/2004