Aten's Shield Error processing SSI file

Aten's Shield

Classes that can use:  Full use:  Infiltrator, Minstrel, Scout, Armsman, Paladin, Reaver, Mercenary
Nightshade, Ranger, Bard, Warden, Hero, Champion, Blademaster
Shadowblade, Warrior, Thane, Skald, Berserker
Partial use:  Cleric
Artifact XP:  Slaying demonic enemies, or enemies from other realms
Shield, comes in whatever size class needs

Artifact Level Abilities Gained

Bonus to armor factor 10
Bonus to Dexterity bonus cap:  5

Bonus to Constitution bonus cap:  5

Create Item

Heat 3%
Cold 3%
Energy 3%

Bonus to melee damage:  3%

Shield/Damage Return

Stats of shield and created item

Create Item: When used, an item is created in the caster's inventory.
    Target:  Self
    Casting time:  instant
    This spell is cast when the item is used.

Aten's Shield - The summoned trident of golden flame has had the melee haste bonus reduced by 2%. The hit point bonus has been increased by 8 hit points and the strength bonus has been increased by 4.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

Shield/Damage Return:  Blocks a portion melee damage dealt to target and damages the target instead.
    10% damage return
    Duration 2 minutes
    Instant cast
    Target: Self
    Item can be used every 15 minutes

The shield block well. I saw no glitches in or lessing blocking then a normal 51 player made shield. I'm willing to bet if tested the shield will block the same as a level 51 player made shield. Out of the ten slams I did I landed everytime could just be luck though but mind you these are HIGH purple con mobs to High Red con in the other room. I slammed mostly the higher coned Mutilators and Knights.   Dec 19

We have replaced the Golden Flames proc on Aten's Shield with a damage shield. The Golden Flames spell was, under certain cases, causing players to not receive credit for completing encounters. We will be adjusting the spell in a future patch to give this shield a more appropriate ability.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

Cannot use the Level 10 ability when you have a damage shield on.   Feb 19

Credits: Shoots, Healwell, Juansanchez VillaLobosRamirez, Kuhl_Cthulha, Ruak, Aura, Porin, Kitrianna Chaotic, Kenade, Kintirk

Leveling the Artifact:

Shield was a breeze to level. Took me three hours with a good group of melee with a Druid, Bard, and Warden at the DF knights pillar. From 9:00am est to 12:30pm est   Dec 19
- Kuhl_Cthulha

The places I have found are:
1. DF of course
2. Cruiach Demons S of Bolg - oj to purp
3. Daeman Aeries/hounds near Lamf in gorge - green to blue (also tons of these near Innis if a hib)
4. for Midgard, I leveled mine in Moderngrav, loc was 21/33 as I recall. Pretty much unlimited supply (as in 30 or so, good repop) of Corrupted hounds. They are on both sides of a hill that starts at that loc. - these range from oj to purp, with most being red....super camp bonus also, I think I got around 68M for most all of em.   Jan 1
- CN1of3BumpBot

For Albions who want to lvl ATens Shield they can Hunt Gabriel Hounds in Lyoness,Scaled Fiends in Barrows and of course Df.   Jan 25
- Erotik

I found another spot the Atens Shield will level in Midgard, They are a little hard to find and their pop rate isnt bad, but the "grymvargs" in Iarn dungeon also levels the shield. They are tucked into a few pockets next to the Evilargs.   Feb 2
- Anerfbat


Shield off of Treasure Island, in one of the chests (Hesparus)
- Rysyl Kelmarr

The Island is coverd in treasure chests, but there is somewhat of a trick to getting the shield. When ever you right click on a chest it will do one of three things. One: it will disappear and 3- 5 mobs will spawn in its place. Some are neutrel, others are high 40's. Two: the chest will disappear and a message will say it was empty. Three: it will not disappear but will drop a random loot, one of wich just may be Anten's Shield. Both times we have got the drop we had two random gem drops first before the shield dropped. Only click once on each chest, cause after each random drop if you click on the chest again, grape con mobs will spawn and are very agg.  Those are best to run from...if they kill someone they will stay where the victim died..if not they will walk back to the place where they spawned.  Feb 5
- Kailric

I was seeing if there was something other than mobs in the chest, and i opend one and it said something to the yune of "you crack open the chest and catch a glimpse of a giant inside" Then the shiled dropped from the chest and the chest remained. I picked up the shield, attempted to equip it, which did not work. i attempted to /use it, and got the following message: "You have not unlocked the power of this artifact. It will not function until you discover its ancient magic. sdeek out the scrolls that speak of the artifact."
- Telic

Scroll pieces:  Champion's Notes

Ezarith noted that he used /interact on the Champion's Notes, and he got the hints that these scrolls are for Aten's Shield     Nov 14

Piece 1 of 3
Skyros stalkers, Skyros camouflagers
Piece 2 of 3
Skyros nullifiers, Skyros stormbringers
Piece 3 of 3
Skyros guros, Skyros sea mages

Error processing SSI file
Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de  le 02/03/2004