Cloudsong Error processing SSI file


Partial use:  VW
Artifact XP:  Slaying enemies while in a full group of allies.
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:   This has been done with 2 people.

Artifact Level Abilities Gained

Bonus to power pool 5%
Acuity +12

Lurikeen hood up
Bonus to acuity cap:  5

Bonus to casting speed 5%
Feather Fall

Bonus to stat enhancement spell effectiveness 5%

Bonus to armor factor:  8

Bonus to power bonus cap:  5

Arcane Leadership


Feather Fall:  according to a CSR partially reduces falling damage  
    Target:  Self
    Duration:  5.0 min
    Casting time:  instant
    This spell is cast when the item is used.

Arcane Leadership:  Target has improved spell range and ability to penetrate spell resists while within range of this aura.
    Bonus:  5%
    Target:  Realm
    Duration:  5 sec
    Frequency:  5.0 sec
    Casting time:  instant 
    Radius:  1000
    This spell is cast when the item is used.

The Aura of Magic Power spell on the Cloudsong cloak will now affect a maximum of twenty players.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

Credits: Arwind, Vogasha TheFeared, DNA, Jazz, vn_redlite

Leveling the Artifact:

It earns xp as long as you are in a full group of allies slaying any type of enemy.  This includes both PvE and RvR.

Was xping slow in RvR though. I just do it in PvE   Jan 3
- Kook

it does level in RvR however since you only get like 2 million xp per kill... it doesn't level fast at all. Need to have a full group and kill really hard mobs for this thing to level at any reasonable speed. It is the worst artifact I have found to level so far.  Jan 3
- Rhystwell


This is from Eramai, around 30 30 in Green Glades. Talk to him then to Destin in Aerus, whotells you you need bronze and marble. Find marble/bronze off marble/bronze Aerus statues, located at each corner of GG. Then give destin either large block of each, or a small. You need two small and one large. Then you get a box, give it to Eramai, and kill him. If you get Cloudsong (got it on my 2nd try) you're lucky. I killed him 5 times and we only got it once. Destin gives infinite music boxes. They are no sell, no trade, no drop.    Nov 12
- Clancy Wiggum

The quest mob, Eramai, will give you the quest for the Cloudsong cloak early ... around level 40, but you WILL NOT get credit for the kill until level 46+.  I had this problem and had to speak to a guide about it.  There IS a level limit.  Hopefully this will keep people from the utter frustration I went through.  Jan 17
- Vogasha TheFeared

You have to give a music box to him every time you kill him to have a chance for cloudsong to drop, but the npc you got the first music box from will give you as many as you need to get the artifact without having to redo that part.
Right click on Destin to get new music box, give box to Eramai, kill Eramai, repeat as needed.
The cloak drops about one in ten time from my experience.   Dec 28
- Galarion

It seems that only one person from the group has to have the quest done and give Eramai the music box they received from Destin in order to get a chance for Cloudsong to drop. Only half of our group had ever done the quest before, yet we got the cloak after one person turned in the box and we killed him.    Jan 9 
- Awendela

While Pulsating Bladeturn is great to have in this fight, it isn't needed. I think he's bugged, because he keeps warping around, then he gets stuck in casting his PBAE. But hey, who cares, right? Just keep attacking him, it's pretty straight forward melee, except keep your casters and healers away from him or else you'll be hit by his PBAE.
He hits for 600-800, but very rarely, he'll be casting most of the time (no clue why).  I'm not sure if he's magic immune, but might as well cast on him if you can.    Nov 24
- Asakura Yoh

The statues can be found in the four corners of the Green Glades zone, i.e. 5,5 ; 5,60 ; 60, 5 ; 60, 60.
Eramai can be killed with a chanter, mana ment, and a buff bot.   Dec 31
- Mistwraith

Aerus marble and Aerus bronze statues. By the lake between abor glen and Green glades staing by a tree, and others to the right as you leave teh haven facing the glades in the corner.    Nov 17
- Enrick

Found 2 more Bronzed Aerus Statues @ 24k x 65k in GG on the zone wall.    Nov 29
- Kiperoo

Another set of statues for Cloudsong ( marble and bronze) are at the following location:
In Green Glades: 62506, 56228 (that is exact loc)    Dec 27


Duoed it with a druid first try. Druid hit him and used an insta heal, I popped MW3 and PBAEd him down and out popped the cloak.  Dec 30
- Olorin_DAoC

Did this today with 7 people, kind of a rag tag pick up group. One Dark SM, One SUpp SM, SB, 2 Shammy Bots and a Zerker and a Warrior.
Wasnt that hard, but the SM's were kind of a waste except for the pets as Eramai resists 100%.
I didnt get cloak but got credit which was close enough as I jsut went and bought one off of the Market Explorer for 1P. Much easier then going back over and over. BUt on a side note his drops are great.   Dec 29
- Darksister

" Ok we have killed this guy several times, he either tears the cloak or the jewelry box is destroying it every time. Are we missing a step?"
Just keep killing him, the drop rate is pretty low.    Dec 4
- Myko

Cloudsong drops of Ermai (sp). Named centaur just south a bit from karise, has a slow spawn time. I have killed this mofo alot prob (30times), he has some fkin UBER drops. No holds bars the best drops I have ccome across.


arcanite Gusting Great Leaf Shield
arcanite Mace of the Zenith
arcanite Elven Dagger of the Breeze
arcanite Whirlwind Harvest Scythe    Feb 5
- Argentt

Arcanium Stone Bone Slicer, from Eramai the centaur-
16.5 dps
4.2 delay
100 qual
35 bonus
+21 str
+3 axe
+3 left axe
+2 parry
+6% matter
+5% melee speed
+10% melee damage vs humanoids
64/tick 4 tick heat dot proc
left hand useable  Dec 2
- Ulfhednar Slybiter

cloth sleeves:
Energy 11%
ALL Magic Skills 3 pts
Slash 10%
Constitution 15 pts
Bonus to HP cap: 4
Reactive DoT proc, 20% damage, Heat.    Jan 16
- ndogggg

arcanite War Adze of the Gale
16.5 dps
3.9 spd
22 quickness
6% thrust
6% cold
10% melee combat speed
5 bonus to AF
Proc: 40% endurance heal    Jan 16
- ndogggg

cloth sleeves
100% QL, AF 51
Energy 5%
Slash 7%
Heat 5%
Hp cap +4
Casting Speed +13%    Jan 15
- Alithravielle

Scroll pieces:   Cloudsong

Piece 1 of 3
centaur impalers, archers, healers
Piece 2 of 3
Centaur mages, sages or messengers
Piece 3 of 3
centaur advisors, scouts, patrollers, and guards
Apprentice's List information provided by Mystr Byrnz

The combined scrolls read:
##The Cloudsong reads, "I speak for the last great magic of Atlantis. I speak a short tale of one who was worthy of this magic. I speak for the Cloudsong, and for Jahonis. Jahonis wanted a magical pendant made, one that could transport him anywhere in the ten kingdoms. It was a simple piece, made of diamond, made in the shape of the cloud cities he loved so much. The piece was beautiful, and Jahonis wore it constantly. He was a singer of romance, but his love was for Atlantis only. "

##The Cloudsong reads, "The night came when Atlantis fell. Jahonis saw the destruction from the cloud city, and sang a tribute to Atlantis. He sang of the world he knew, and the great loss it would soon forget. He then jumped from the cloud city, unable to bear the sight of Atlantis' destruction. The pendant, sensing Jahonis' intent, activated its magic as a protective measure. But the magic of the pendant failed, and had no choice but to seek out another magic. It found the magic of the Planes still intact, and reached for it. The trip was not smooth, and when it was over, Jahonis was near death. The pendant, sensing this, played all the music Jahonis ever sang, plus one he had never heard."

##The Cloudsong reads, "The tune the pendant sang was the last song Jahonis ever heard. It filled his head with images of Atlantis in all its glory, her armies, her cities, her kingdoms and her beauty. Jahonis died with a smile on his face, the pain and sadness gone. With Jahonis' last breath, the Cloudsong changed form, and became the cloak that wrapped Jahonis' dead body for centuries, until it was discovered by a centaur who, moved by its beauty, took it as his own."

Error processing SSI file
Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de  le 02/03/2004