Golden Spear Error processing SSI file

Golden Spear

Classes that can use:  INF, SCOU, MINS, NS, RANG, HERO, HUNT, SB
Artifact XP:  Slaying Atlantean gorgons and volurgons
Piercer dps 16.5, spd 4.2.  Celtic spear is dps 16.5, spd 5.4.
Comes in 1 hand pierce and spear.  In Mid it is a slasher.  In Alb it is thrust. 
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:    You need 1 full group to do this.  An animist has said that he soloed it many times.

Artifact Level Abilities Gained

Bonus to melee combat speed 4%

Firbolg with spear, attack stance
Strength +12

Dexterity +12

Crush 7%

Slash 7%

Thrust 7%

resistance decrease

Bonus to style damage 4%

Create Item

resistance decrease:  Decreases the target's resistance to the listed damage type.
    Spell has a chance of casting when this weapon strikes an enemy

Create Item:  When used, an item is created in the caster's inventory.
    Target:  Self
    Casting time:  instant
    This spell is cast when the item is used.

The Golden Spear - The melee haste bonus was reduced by 1% and the style damage bonus was reduced by 4%. The strength bonus was increased by 2, the dexterity bonus was increased by 2, and the slash, crush, and thrust resistance bonuses were each increased by 2%.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

At Level 10:
Summons 5 javelins
Timer to summon a fresh batch of javelins: ???
Used like a potion
Range: 2000
Radius: 750 (probably too large to stay as-is)
Damage: 200 point DoT that ticks twice.  <--- might not be a DoT anymore, might be an AE heat debuff
20 second reuse timer

The Javelins of Flame summoned by the Golden Spear now work as a charged item and will no longer use ground targeting.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

I just hit lvl 10 with it last night, I'll send you a SS when I get home, but the ability now is a AE HEAT DEBUFF for 4 seconds, There is no delv on the person it hits, and it did no damage in a duel.  It also ended the duel.  The range on the spear's when delved is 2000 but I had to be like 500 units away from the target.  I know they are patching it so maybe we'll see what happens then.  Feb 4

Credits: Thadicus, Haiden Dhaimon, Niigol, Rhaezhir, Indochine, Dixo Mojo

The level 10 ability on the Golden spear at point blank range seems to work although its a little weak. The delve says its supposed to work at 2000 range. If you try to move the ground target out of point blank range and use the summoned javilins you get a message something like "you throw the javilin of flame at your target" but nothing happens. No damage, no effects. The summoned javilin is also a bit useless at point blank range since you gotta use it before you enter combat. Sure you can use it fast but its not the point since you are supposed to throw them a distance at your target, it only makes sence hence the weapon type javilin. You never see a javilin thrower throw his javilin 2 feet....   Jan 21
- Gunhappy1

Leveling the Artifact:

theres a gorgon camp right by aerus that are yellow oj, its what i did on my sb+bot. 
Direction to it:  From the haven head in the direction of the poison merchant, the grogan camp is in the same general direction. There is a smaller camp near 2 big rocks and a much larger camp just over the hill behind small camp.  Feb 9
- Jazaghuel and Murbak

So far the green glades gorgons are your best bet.
They're hella hard to kill, though, and you need at least 4 people to waste their time getting you your spear xp.
And, at level 7 and up, you get about 2% per 6 hours of this.   Nov 25
- Huna Helsdottir

If you can get past the elite taur by the chimera, and are ML3, Deep Volcanus might be a good spot. Our scroll farming crew did a suicide run to check it out and a couple of us got inside. The first hall has about 10 red volurgons. We sprinted past them through about 2 more hallways and rooms filled with red volurgons. When I made it past all those I accidentally fell off a ledge into some lava and nearby was a bridge guarded by even more volurgons. Some purple but most red.
They only hit for 100-120, didn't seem to stun like gorgons, though one did cast the hib magician baseline stun on me (purged it and kept going, got nuked for 200, then I was out of range). So they don't seem as hard as the gorgons. You need to be ML3 to enter though and you have to get past a pile of taur elite defenders (The grape insta mezzing speed 5 chimera guards). The entrance and architecture are pretty neat but I'm not looking forward to another master level full of gorgon clones and their cougar screams   Nov 25
- Olaf Stormseeker

There are gorgons all over the ML3 dungeon, temple of twilight. They are at most of the open air temples where half of the trial mobs wait. You can enter the dungeon at any time, no ML requirement, but you will need a good group to get to them and fight them (it's slow going even with 4 groups). They are all purple but can be single pulled (except some come with snakes).

There are also a few gorgons in Aerus, might only be named ones though. And I hear they are tougher. Volurgons are supposedly in Typhon's Lair/Heart of Volcanus, the Volcanus dungeon. But you would need a great group or two to reach the entrance and I think you need to be ML3 to enter. Once inside they are only red though I heard.   Nov 24
- Olaf Stormseeker

In the border of green glades with arbor glen , there is a small isle , there are like 10 + gorgons , all level 65+.
I only pull gorgon watchers , they are always (acording to some pages) level 65 , and i can do em with a small group. Slinkers and gazers are usually higher level.
I killed like 10 or so and got a 4% of exp on my golden spear , after that i suicided and started farming scrolls for a spear of kings    Nov 24
- Zurdo

There are Gorgons in Green Glades right behind the Haven of Aerus. Approx /loc 11k 11k. They are roughly lvl 67 and are named. They almost always have at least 1 or 2 drops per kill and are fairly easy with a small group. The 1 gorgon closest to the hill is easiest. You can do him with 1 person and a bot easy. The other 2 are a lil bit harder. Kasora is an all melee Gorgan and can be done easy with 2 people and a bot. The 3rd one there is a tad bit harder. She mezzes and dots fairly heavy. Her ya need approx 4 people or more. At least 2 healers for her since at least one of them will always get mezzed.    Nov 24
- Braede


Location:  59.3k, 25.6k in Stygian Delta

I did this encounter twice and we did it with 1FG. Just make sure you have a shield tank, 2 healers and a shammie (for end)
First, you need to talk to all 3 genies. That should start the encounter so when you pull J, the other 2 should stay put. Trick with J is if you see a text message, that means hes going to pbae so you have few seconds to get away. J will definitely aggro the healers so just have the healer kite, that shouldnt be a problem.
Pull H, fyi, he will kill all your casters. We just left our RM eating dirt the whole encounter with H. Theres no trick on this one, he just aoe mez, stun etc so i guess just make sure everyone is spread apart. Now the most important thing... make sure you pull L when H is down to 20-25%. On our first encounter, we pulled Landrine when H has about 10% life and he grabbed the spear. So just have ur skald or shammie kite L until H is dead. L is pretty easy w/o the spear, just get him as far away from his healing cloud. One of our healer got the aggro the whole time so kite4dawin  Dec 2
- Chydaz

Hibs - if you try this with one group, bring an animist!  We did this encounter the other night, and maybe incorrectly.  We had one group of hibs, hero, champ, 2 bards, 2 druids, and an animist.  We only pulled one genie at a time.  We killed Hounthro first and killed him.  Then we starting killing Jomnaer, while we were fighting him, Landrine grabbed the spear which is supposed to make him harder to kill.  We finished killing Jomnaer.  Then the hero pulled Landrine.  He is the one that heals himself.  It took us a while to beat him down, and was beginning to look doubtful that we'd win, but he eventually stopped healing himself, and we killed him. 
We never did try to pull him away from his healing cloud.  I know another group of hibs that did try to pull him away from it, and they said Landrine just laid down another healing cloud.   Jan 4
- Mura

The Golden Spear story encounter bosses Landrine, Hounthro and Jomnaer have had an engage radius placed on them. This is to prevent training into the Havens.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)


Just tonight on Gaheris, we dropped the djin. (not sure on names, but here goes) Jomaera, Landrine, H(something).   These are three deep purple mobs.

We had 3 groups, each group had end, shield tanks and MW3 caster. My group was on Jomaera while the others were on the other 2 engaging. The trick is to pull them away from the water, and don't let them enter it. If they go in the water, they will grab the spear and become much harder to kill. Jom is easy to kill, and I advise to kill H next, since he's a caster (void eld type). Landrine likes to heal, but if he's the last one, not much you can do with 3 groups beatin on ya.
Once all 3 were dead, the Golden spear drops. In delve, it says that those that can stealth and use spear can use. We figured it was hunter/shadowblade/ranger/nightshade/minstrel/scout/infil.  Might be a 1h spear. Don't know if there's a safe way to make them spawn, but spawning them via swimming into the water is a bad idea since they will grab the artifact (making them much stronger). Just have to get lucky and have them spawn on their own.
- Goris

It is imperative that each Djin get engaged. If only L is engaged H will run off with the spear and L will teleport away after him. If this happens you have to wait another 8 hours for the encounter to reset. Dec 7 - Eclipsed


From one of the Jannis (sp?) when doing the Golden Spear.:
Shadow-Tainted Pants
100% Quality Leather
ALL Melee +3
Thrust 7%
Crush 7%
Strength 15
Bonus to melee speed 5%
Bonus to Str cap 6
150 point 50% Ablative  Dec 5
- Jacktheripper

duskwood Rod of Desert Shadow
crush 8
slash 8
con 22
focus 50
speed 6%
af 9
10 charges acuity 75
qual 100

mighty Blighted Great Sword LW
100 qual
hits 23
str 12
quick 15
int cap 5
stat debuff +4%

Drop from Hounthro:
Lethal Insightful Blighted Desert Sleeves
cloth sleeves
18 int
5% thrust
8% stat debuff
10% damage vs magical creatures
10% duration to spells

Drops from Jomnaer:
Heatbender Blighted Desert Sleeves
scale sleeves
MP 100% qual
+7% heat
+5% body
+10 str
+25 hps
+6% power bonus

Mighty Blighted Buckler - small shield
97% qual
hits 26
str 15
thrust 6%
bonus to quick cap 5
bonus to str 3

Dust of Creation

Drops off of Landrine
MP 100% qual
con 36
thrust 6
spirit 10
10 charges pow regen

Sundering Blighted Great Mace
Large Weapon 100 qual
6 LW
9% spirit
3% slash
7 hit cap
10% melee speed
5.6 speed

mp 100% qual
con 19
hits 26
cold 4
bonus to intel 7

arcanite Mallet of Landrine
- Mura

Scroll pieces:  Spear's History

Piece 1 of 3
setian serfs, setian slaves, setian laborers
Piece 2 of 3
setian desert scouts, setian laborers
Piece 3 of 3
setian warriors, setians, setian sauts

What the completed scrolls say:
The History of the Golden Spear reads, "There is a drawing of a spear upon the scroll. Around the drawing are the following notes:  Ruia - these plans look great! The spear itself must be magnificent. I can't wait to see it. I shall bring the spells you requested right away. The spell against djinn will be a nice touch to an already fantastic spear. Your messenger couldn't stop talking about how true your spear flies when you throw it. I believe you've quite astounded the little lad. I cannot wait for you to give me a demonstration of its powers!"
[22:23:31] ##The History of the Golden Spear reads, "A page from Ruia's Diary: Something has gone terribly wrong, although I do not yet know what. The ground shakes so much and buildings have begun to collapse. I fear for all the safety of all our lives. My father has refused to leave his home but has sent me away to the Planes in hopes of finding shelter and safety there. He barely gave me time to gather up some food, my precious golden spear, and a few bits of clothing and armor to sustain me before he pushed me out the door and locked it. I shall do as he wishes, but I cannot help fearing for his safety."
[22:23:31] ##The History of the Golden Spear reads, "A tattered papyrus containing an account from a Mau of Stygia: A warrior-maiden I have seen before has arrived here, carrying only a few belongings including the delicate golden spear I had seen her with before.  She was torn between staying in the relative safety of Stygia and returning to her father in Atlantis. In the end, she chose her father. But before she left she said she could not bear for the spear to be destroyed by the forces at work upon Atlantis. With a mightytoss she threw the spear out into the sands of Stygia then stood watching it, expecting it to land within sight of where she stood.  Much to her surprise and mine, it flew beyond our site. While the warrior-maiden returned to Atlantis, I went in search of the spear. I managed to track it for some time, but when I saw the collection of djinn around it, I chose not to pursue it. If the maiden survived and returns, I shall tell her of the fate of her spear."

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