Maddening Scalars Error processing SSI file

Maddening Scalars

Classes that can use:  All
Artifact XP: Slaying any enemies in the frontiers.
It appears that healers/hybrids who wear armor (cleric, druid, shammy, healer) will get the TANK version of Maddening Scalars with the tank stats such as melee speed, they cannot recieve a version of the Maddening Scalars with appropriate stats. Convo with CSR seemed to indicate that this will probably remain so.
Cleric, Druid, Shammy, and Healer should be moved to 'partial use' at best. Really the item is near useless for these classes.   Jan 9
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:  This has been done with 2 people.

Artifact Level Abilities Gained
Tank and Healer version
Caster and VW version
Hits +40
Hits +40 Gloves on Kobold
Gloves on Troll
Constitution +15
Dexterity +15

Quickness +15
Piety +15

Shield/Damage Return
Shield/Damage Return
Bonus to melee combat speed 3%
Power:  6% of power pool

Bonus to melee damage 3%
Bonus to casting speed 3%

Bonus to Constitution cap: 5
Bonus to Dexterity cap:  5

Bonus to Quickness cap: 5
Bonus to Piety cap:  5

offensive proc - wolf morph
offensive proc - wolf morph Tank Stats
Wolf picture

Shield/Damage Return:  Blocks a portion of melee damage dealt to target and damages the attacker instead.
    Value: 40%
    Target: Self
    Duration: 10 sec
    Casting time: instant
    Spell has a chance of casting when this armor is hit by an enemy.

offensive proc:  Wolf Morph
    Target: Self
    Duration: 10:0 min
    Casting time: instant
    This spell is cast when the item is used.  

Credits: Bokal, Goran DaKiing, Ornette, Vadoc, Greyfish Proud, Arlana Smadrerdig, Vvash, Aubrianna Chaotic

Tank Version, Offensive Proc: Frothing Wound: Inflicts damage to the target repeatedly over a given time period. Also inflicts a disease on the target.

Target: Targetted
Range: 350
Duration: 1 minute
Frequency: 6 seconds
Casting time: Instant
Damage: Body

Tank Version:
I've seen the ablative go off now maybe twice so at least it's working. It has the old red cylindrical graphic to it. It's so short in duration that I've not seen it hit more than once after activation. It did ~75 damage to a yellow con mob.
As a side note though all that is currently working (I think) is the Wolf Morph. I repeatedly tried beating on someone and someone beating on me for the full duration of the morph. No effect has proc'd yet.
What I don't get is would it just be a random proc chance on all attacks while in morph since it's offensive? Obviously I can't hit someone with my gaunts.
I appealed it as a bug   Dec 14
- Greyfish Proud

Caster Version:
oh, i FINALLY got to see the level 5 proc today for the first time.
it makes a red cylinder around you and says your eyes are filled with rage or something. i then had my NORMAL ablative proc the next hit and they stack! got hit for 64 damage of which 32 was absorbed by ablative, so i got this message:
your magical shield absorbs 32 damage.
you reflect 12 damage.
you are hit for 20 damage.
very rare for gloves to get hit AND proc, but was very cool none the less!   Dec 23
- Holydot

Leveling the Artifact:

My mad schallers lvls off of rvr and pve monsters in the frontiers. I killed a few ppl in groups mind ya and got 0% towards it. Pobably got rps for at least 10 ppl. I go kill mobs out there and its alot quicker.   Jan 29
- bryldan

The Maddening Scalar gloves will now earn experience in the frontier dungeons.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)


We found the artifact named Maddening Scalars which drops off of a very big named snake.  Doable with 1fg and took us about 5min to kill. The name of the mob is Ylyssen. He dropped 3 RoG belts and a spirit which appears after he dies gives the artifact to whoever attacked him first.    Nov 22
- Jeryvn

Big bad snake dude popped for us at 7400, 43000 in Typhon's Reach. I have only seen it once (when we killed it) since TOA was released. It is probably the rarest spawn I have ever seen in TOA so far.
We did it with minstrel + salamander pet, buffbot, necro, and a merc. Was pretty straightforward from what I remember. Snake throws random fire DD nukes around, but that's it.   Dec 4
- Ornette

The secret to the spawning of the Scalars mob:
This is according to the new strategy guide, and it's very devious-Ok, there are those snakes, the uraeus, that spawn when somone dies, as well as some being around as regular mobs in Typhon's. Well, supposedly whenever one spawns, there is a very small chance for it to spawn as an invisible non-aggroing uraeus. When 9 invisible snakes spawn, they will move to the Scalars artifact loc and form the artifact mob. There is supposedly a 200 snake limit to the zone, so if there are 200 present, and less than 9 invisible ones, the mob will NOT spawn until some are killed, etc.  Dec 29
- Ulfhednar Slybiter

That makes sense, sometimes when someone dies you get the 'You hear a hissing noise coming from their corpse but can see nothing' spam.  Dec 29
- Corrigana_Nagisa

I have solo'd it with my bot several times now, we are pretty sure he is on an eight hour timer. The gaunts seem to level very slow compared to other artifacts.  Dec 30
Goran DaKiing

i killed the scalars mob about 3 hours ago and now its back up again with none of the hissing broadcasts being sent. ive been in typhon's during that time so i would have seen it  Dec 29
- hellcane

me and a warrior killed the snake, i gave all 3 scrolls and the artifact to her. we went back to vulcan, and she couldnt activate it. she checked /quest and it said last quest on list was "xxxx snake", i checked my quest and i had the same.
the sphinx said something along the lines that the snake needs a sacrifice to the flames. so i told the warrior to go suicide in the pool of lava up at the portal priests(jsut west of the snake spawn).
next day we kill snake again, and she activated it. no patch had gone in while it was done.
i may be way off, but it worked    Dec 16
- silver-here


just got her to spawn. i killed siam-he devotee in the area.
a broadcast went out...
"A sound of a tormented soul can be heard from all around."
and there she was. fought her, an atlantean woman appears and gives you the gloves.
i killed another devotee one after the fight, but i think maybe it's on a spawn
As for the encounter itself I did it with mentalist/druid/bard/nightshade with criosphinx witness pet. She stays in place and nukes people randomly in the group.
note: i did also kill a ureaus snake in the area just before the devotee.... i didn't see any unique messages, no clue if that had anything to do with it.  Dec 13
- Demonikeen

We did Mad Scalars with a 50 Skald, 50 Savage, 45 Mend/Aug Healer, and a 50 Shaman with high Aug.  No problem whatsoever, no Healing Fields or other ML abilities used at all, we did it just by using Purge once on the Savage (the mob stuns you for 30s sometimes) and trading aggro back and forth using taunts and detaunts.
Just farmed Mad Scalars twice for the artifact drop.  I we got it both times, after the mob died a ghost spawned and thanked us, and then dropped the artifact and disappeared.  Jan 16

do NOT use heat dmg on him, it heals him  Dec 12
- Columbos

The snake is just down the hill and to the left of the Tartaros' Gift encounter (siam-he portal). There are some large rocks, and he is in there. There seems to be a long respawn timer (24 hours maybe)  Dec 4
- Bracnogard


Dropped 3 ROG Shields and the Gaunts.  Dec 12
- Greyfish Proud

He dropped 3 RoG belts

Cloak of Ambuscade
level 49, 99%qual
Dex+21, hits+48, energy 6%, spirit 6%, AF+12
10 charges of +75 AF
dark teal colored, no hood/collared model.   Jan 24

Scroll pieces:  Mad Tales

Screen shot of what the story reads when all three scrolls are combined.  Jan 9  - Fidaba_MLF

Piece 1 of 3
taur guardian, taur sphaktes, taur koloios
Piece 2 of 3
taur altheus, taur phulax

Piece 3 of 3
taur telete, taur purphoros, taur magos

Error processing SSI file
Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de  le 02/03/2004