Scorpion's Tail Ring Error processing SSI file

Scorpion's Tail Ring

Designed for those who tend the wounds of their companions but may be used by all.
Classes that can use:  All
Artifact XP:   Gains xp from Atlantean Scorpions
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:    This has been done with 3 people.

Artifact Level Abilities Gained

Power:  7% of power pool
Bonus to casting speed 4%

Bonus to armor factor:  8

Bonus to stat enhancement spell effectiveness  6%


Bonus to healing effectiveness  6%


dispel:  The specified negative effect is removed from the target.
    Target:  Self
    Casting time:  instant
    This spell is cast when the item is used.
    Can use item every 15 min

The Scorpions Tail - The spell haste bonus on the ring has been reduced by 2%. The power percentage bonus has been increased by 1%, and the armor factor bonus has been increased by 2.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

I've tried dispelling dot, disease, mez, root, rez sickness, bleeding, etc. It does nothing.  Feb 5

Credits: Verbero, Doavia, Scylld Jormungandr, Krykir'ov Eldalas, Scylld, Joshll Cavedroppings

Leveling the Artifact:

i tried on mature scorpions and no exp, then i found a giant scorpion and i get exp, but i didnt find any spot of giant scorpions.   Nov 21
- krawxon

I've heard that in Necropolis, there is a spot the spawns the red/purp. scorps that will do the trick.   Dec 22
- Bellywood

I levelled it on scorps at the collossus/Terkari camps in Styg. Very very slow to level.   Feb 5
- Joshll Cavedroppings


The mob is the giant scorpion Terkari. Purple with 10 yellow/oj friends. 
- Xorn and Vyrian

Picture of Terkari battle   

He's been seen at 1930, 19000 Stygian Delta and 39.6k, 22.9k in Stygian Delta, and a couple other places.

There's at least 4 places he can spawn, 3 of which I have seen personally.
He's seems to prefer to be in rocky areas, and usually has yellow con scorpions followers or minions or something around. Also all the spawns seem to have Small Scarabs, which con grey to a 50.
1st place: 1930, 19000 Stygia, just west of one setian fort, and east of a setian laborer camp.
2nd place and 3rd place: one is westof inarus, the other is SSW. Both are rock formations with scorpions around them.
4th place is supposedly the scorp pit just north of stygia haven, before you get to the river. I haven't seen him there yet.
This ring is seeming to be a very rare drop, I've killed tekari 5+ times now, as have several guildies, never seen the ring.  Dec 21
- Mabus

We had me (light ment) a champ and a bard. Bard aggroed all the mobs and kited them for the duration. Champ peeled Terkari, and I starting nuking/HoTing the champ and bard. We took down the scorpion and got artifact before the bard died.     Nov 11
- Phaleux

Terkari is the named that drops the scorpion tail ring...seen him in the same place I saw Colossal (just north of the Haven) and then across the river from there too...not too bad a fight...beat him with reaver/pally/buffbot without much problem.
Cold attacks stop him from PBAE poisoning.
- Traq


Respawn time seems to be around two real life days.

Find Terkari at around 28000, 16000 in Stygian Delta.
Thats close to Inarus, the named that give the mau faction quest.  Dec 18
- Boubalou

i did  my scorpion tail's  ring once  with a  pally a cleric and myself  50 ice  wizard and  that was easy since we had  BOF up.  Dec 6

Scorpion's Tail Ring: Most likely drops off a giant scorpion with 10-15 yellow scorpions trailing it. The name of the mob is Takemi (sp?) and it wanders around in some rocks north of the river in stygia, near the easternmost setian walled encampment. The adds are a pain, but the mob itself isn't that hard when the adds are down. The artifact doesn't always drop, have to kill him a few times from what I hear.

I had to kill this guy 6 times before I got the ring. I have since killed it 3 other times with other guildies and out of 9 times we have 2 rings.    Nov 26


Whirling Girdle
2% heat
5 CD
5% bonus to spell duration
7% bonus to melee speed

Restful Fortifying Girdle
18 hps
stealth 2
22 con
15% style dmg vs animals
10 charges health regen
quality 94%

Scroll pieces:  Wooden Triptych scrolls

Story from the combined Wooden Triptych scrolls   Jan 7  - Fidaba_MLF

Piece 1 of 3
mausekhmet nomads
Piece 2 of 3
mausekhmet nomads

Piece  3 of 3
mausekhmet nomads, maus, maubaset priests, maubaset defenders

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Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de  le 02/03/2004