Snatcher's Tale Error processing SSI file

Snatcher's Tale

Usable by all who find it
Classes that can use:  All
Artifact XP:  earns experience from any rvr  (1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)
Bracer, Unactivated screen shot
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:   This has been done with 7 people.

Artifact Level Abilities Gained

Bonus to hit points cap:  40
Bonus to Constitution cap:  5
Bonus to Dexterity cap:  5

Crush 4%

Slash 4%

7% bonus to all bounty points earned

Thrust 4%

Bonus to armor factor:  8

6% bonus to all realm points earned.


Credits: Blackz Widow, Zxae_Sorrow, Drusain Lamorak

Leveling the Artifact:

Looks like it levels off killing the baseline race in each realm, Norse, Britons, Celts.  Dec 17
- Stormlothar


Snatchers Bracer Artifact is located off a Named Geni Azar Two Bridges Southish of the Ring of Fire.    Nov 19
- Zxae

We just got the Snatcher artifact. It's a purple Siam-he plebian that is roaming between the named camps. When you hit him and start getting his health down, he morphs into Azar and will start warping around you. He's not that hard though, we killed it with 7 people.   Nov 26
- Sirand

Azur seems to automatically teleport and switch forms whenever you get him low on life. Most of the times we've gotten the actual artifact to drop was when we randomly ran into him in Siam-He Plebian form. (pretty obvious... purple Plebian) Every time we've seen him in other forms, he disappears mid-combat and apparently changes form to disguise himself.
One time, we had him low in normal form, he teleported, but we followed an SM pet straight to him in Plebian form a bit aways and killed him there   Nov 26
- Lothur

There is a named in Typhon's Reach called Azar. He is worth 'a little Master Level experience.' He's on the island with the salamandars, near loc 49k 35k. He is aggressive to me, and quite purple.   Dec 3
- Fizzled PBTupAFK

Scroll pieces:  Snatcher's Tale

Piece 1 of 3
taur arieos, taur machairo, taur xenos, taur machetes
Piece 2 of 3
taur scribe, taur iater

Piece 3 of 3
taur suletor, taur toxotes

Error processing SSI file
Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de  le 02/03/2004