Erinys Charm Error processing SSI file

Erinys Charm

Classes that can use:  WIZ, THEU, CAB, SORC, NECR, ELD, ENCH, MENT, ANI, RM, SM, BD
Artifact XP:  Slaying many types of male enemies.
Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:   This has been done with 2 groups.

Artifact Level Abilities Gained

Hits +40
Intelligence +15
Constitution +15

Crush 5%

Spirit 5%

permanent health regen 4 spell. Lasts until you unequip the charm.
Energy 5%

Bonus to spell range: 5%

Reduces enemy target's resistances versus all magic damage by 5%.  Only resists gained from items are reduced.
Permanent power regen 2 spell. Lasts until you unequip the charm.


The regens do stack with the sorc buff/minny song, and the health regens stack with the cleric buff/minny song.   Feb 9

Credits: Loa, Garek SteelWolf, Ieritl Deathfruit, Chaynal, Rueun

Leveling the Artifact:

This thing levels offa male mobs and solo'ing as a mana ment is proving to be a pain.  Jan 17
- Loa

Male players you kill in RvR do not level the artifact.   Jan 15
- Garek SteelWolf


There are 6 named you need to kill, once you kill one of them a 'charm' appears.

You right click the charm and it'll follow you around. As 'soon' as the named dies the charm will stay for 18 minutes, not one hour. So once the first named dies you have 18 minutes to collect the 5 other charms then take them to the 'stasis' point.

Because of the time limit, and the difficulty of the mobs even doing it with 2 full groups can be a challenge. The way we did it was, I would body pull the Siam-he's out of group.. and just run my ass off kiting them. Our Paladin would agro the named only while it chased me and kill it then move to the next camp. Each named has two adds attached to him that chased me continually until the named itself died.

If you get that far, Samut the named guy will port over and attack you. We did it with 2 rather strong groups, he hits in the 800 - 1300 range, can proc a very strong DD and double hits opun occasion.

The Siam-He's:

Each camp has a large amount of purple mobs, with the titles: Warrior, Warlock, and Preist. You can guess what each of those mean as far as spells.

The Different Camps:

There are six camps as I mentioned; Setau, Thagulsa (sp), Ausar, Kakhet, Neckbane, and Sethnor (sp).

Going in the order I beleive works best:

Setau : Pretty basic camp except these Warriors have a small chance to proc a 1000ish DD, I personally beleive you should start with this one for the fact the way it's setup it's /very/ hard to get the named without a large amount of adds.

(I died repeadtly trying to body pull the named out of the hut here) So it's advisable to start here, clear the adds out and then just pull the named and kill it then move.

Thagulsa (sp) : This may have the hardest actual mobs... this is the camp where they all ahve Sa' pets which proc a Heat DD. (Confusion is great on the Sa's)

Have your 2 groups stand fairly far away from the camp on the lava side and let your body puller agro the named and run. The reason you want your group a fair distance from the camp is the named has a tendancy to just sit in his hut and nuke if you're too close. Kill the named, move on.

'''Now you move inland abit, setting up at kind of the centre of the four other camps. Doing it this way also allows you the shortest distance possible to where you need to take the charms after you have them all '''

Ausar: Nothing special at all, very easy camp.. just have your out of group body puller grab the named and however many adds and kite them around while you kill the named. They'll stop chasing, grab a heal or forty then move to the next camp...

Kakhet: Full camp of Siam He-s with the Triple-Weild ability. They look really nifty but are about as easy as they come. Very easy to pull the named and his two adds here due to where Kakhet's actual tent is...

Sethanor (sp): Another camp of very easy ones with nothing special to mention, and the named is at an easy spot to get just him and a couple of adds to kite around.

Neckbane : This camp isn't too hard to actually pull from but you might get alot more adds then the last 3 camps. One thing about this camp... all the caster mobs including the named are Theurgists with a large affinity for Earth Pets. I died pulling this camp when we did it, due to a large amount of Preists near Neckbane's hut that nuked me down. Our Paladin was able to salvage the pull from my death however, since the named was out of his hut long enough for a taunt shout.

Assuming you have all six charms now and everything went flawlessly you need to boogy South (I think, I'll check the directions later and correct myself if needed) between Neckbane' and Sethanor's camps towards the lava edge. I don't have the exact loc but run between those two camps right to the lava edge, exactly opposite a small island across where you can just see Samut.

Setup fields, buff etc etc (The charms don't run fast) and as soon as the charms get there they will float into a circle and Samut will port over.

Kill him, loot up, look at the awesome non rog gloves he drops, ponder at +Quickness being on the caster version, and go activate Erinys Charm.

This encounter ain't easy.    Feb 25
- Zxae Sorrow

After Samut enters the fray you will now have much more time to do battle with him. Samut's Charm effect will now always vanish after Samut perishes. Additionally, the charms will remain with Samut until he perishes after the battle begins.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

Once you start fighting the big guy, can you attack the charms or it doesn't really matter?   - Darko
The charms were still not attackable. That's a good question. It was hard to track what they were doing during the fight with all the spells going off, otherthan that they surrounded him.   Jan 15
- Garek SteelWolf


Samut hits extremely hard even against max resist, is very difficult to hit without to-hit bonus, and the charms seem to give him a very hefty regen. It would take a very long time to wear him down, if you could even get past that regeneration, and he hits hard enough that you couldn't keep aggro off your healers.  Jan 15
- Kenolil Bladewreath

The "Charm" mobs that drop off the named Siam-He's can be brought to the shore on the most eastren part of the isle. They will stick to the shore and cannot be moved at a spot that is directly across from the named Salmut who is on the unreachable isle.
A couple of us attempted to gather them up but were unable to due to the difficultly of pulling a few of the named. In this case the charms stuck to the shore and stayed there for several hours - it was late at night. We again attempted it with a few more, but the charms kept dissapearing back to the named. At this time many people where camping for scrolls. Mythic may also have changed how long they stay on the shore in a patch between the first attempt and second.  Dec 6
- Xinpower

The orbs stay for around 30 mins....we were able to get all the 6 bubbles in less then 2 hours and deliver them to the right spot (55K, 55K) before they exploded but that doesnt seemed to work. We also were able to deliver 3 visible bubbles at that location but that wasnt enough to trigger the final if you wanne do it, it will take at least 3 FG to get those 6 bubbles in less then 30 minutes which is very hard because nobody farm there.  Jan 13
- Zhergan


Erinys' Charm, 5 or 6 pairs of q100 non-ROG gloves, all with an 80 hp heal reactive, a q100 recurve bow, q100 piercer, and q100 dagger. The weapons were all ROG items without procs, the gloves were designed drops with special names and used the graphics for volcanian armor.   Jan 15
- Garek SteelWolf

Scroll pieces:  

Song of Erinys

Piece 1 of 3
Setau Siam-he priest, Ausar Siam-he priest, Taharga Siam-he priest
Piece 2 of 3
Nebkare Siam-he warlock, Sahathor Siam-he warlock, Ausar Siam-he warlock, Kakhet Siam-he warlock

Piece 3 of 3
siam-he plebian, siam-he prema, Setau Siam-he warrior, Taharga Siam-he warrior

The combined scrolls read:
##The Erinys' Charm reads, "Erinys is the most beautiful woman in Atlantis, I, and every other muse decrees. This charm she wears round her neck, these evanescent beads that change with every gown she dons, they were made for her, a gift from the gods, I speculate, for no other jewels in Atlantis do what these beads do, and who, upon seeing the beauty of Erinys, would not wish to grace her with a gift, the gods surely are not immune.Will you help Anselm rescue his sister?"

##The Erinys' Charm reads, "Ah, to be the lucky artist that painted the neck of this lovely creature, the one portrait before she was given the charm. I would love to find that picture, but it is hidden away by some secret collector who fears it's theft, no doubt! I can not blame the owner, but oh, one look at that work! It is said to be the most priceless!"

##The Erinys' Charm reads, "Oh I have been to dinner at the palace, and I have spoken with Erinys! Those beads round her neck, how they change to match her gown, and somehow I swear I see them in her eyes! Many women must envy her beauty, but just as many surely envy that charm she wears round her neck! Oh what magic it must posses, what power to woo men's hearts!"

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