Marauding Bandits Quest Error processing SSI file

Marauding Bandits Quest

Starting NPC:  Scout Relion at the Haven in Stygia Delta.      - Tacopants

Level Requirement:   46

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
This can be done solo (if you're lvl 50, and if you can solo a red con).
Do the quest solo or grouped but not battlegrouped, I did it in BG and did not recieve the item and could not search for it (Step 4)      - Ashhh


Talk to the Starting NPC, Scout Relion at the Haven in Stygia Delta.

[Step #1] Find the Sobekite marauder camp north of Stygia Haven.  SEARCH for the crates they stole from the Haven residents.
 - /loc of Marauder Camp is 43013, 31229 in the Stygian Delta Type /search when you get there and you will get the Broken Supply Crate.  A Sobekite Marauder will spawn to the south.
[Step #2] Defeat the Sobekite Marauder!
  The sobekite marauder will now cast on players before running.    (from patch notes 1.66h 11/13)
 - He will run if you try and charge him.  Best way to kill him is to run north a bit, then sprint up to him until you are able to engage him.  He is red con and hits fairly hard, so I strongly consider bringing a friend.
[Step #3] Return to Scout Relion in the Stygia Haven.
[Step #4] The camp is in the Stygian Delta near the land of Atum.  You will find it in a large outcropping near a setian fortress.  SEARCH the ground for the statuette.
 -/loc of Setian Bandit Camp is 3424, 22374, Stygian Delta.  Do a /search here.  You will receive a Golden Statuette.  A setian bandit will spawn soon after and attack.
[Step #5] Defeat the setian bandit!
 - the bandit is red con to 50, and similar in dificulty as the marauder, maybe slightly easier.
[Step #6] Return to Scout Relion in Stygia Haven with the statuette.
[Step #7] Listen to Scout Relion.
[Step #8] Find the ship captain Antonius Cayne.  Arrange safe passage for Scout Relion's cargo.
[Step #9] Return to Scout Relion in the Stygia Haven and tell him you have procured [safe passage] for him on Cayne's ship.
At this point you can either keep the ring (has 3 resists one of 10, 5, and 8... don't recall which resists however) and stop, or continue with the quest by talking to Sir Daewyn.  If you do continue you will receive a 15.5 dps weapon suitable for your particular class.
- Tacopants


There is no way i could do this quest on my own at 46. The pops are purple. However i had a couple freinds come along and it was np. Find your self a 50 skald and 50 healer and you can do this quest in 20-30 min easy.   Feb 1
- Shotin

I did this quest solo in under an hour.  I drag the sobekite across the river after i did a /SEARCH and attack him with spells and he never attacked back. The bandit on the otherhand attacked me instantly and i had to kite him for 5 minutes but was finally able to kill him. this was an easy quest with a decent reward.
- Nydaevia TheSharp

The Sobekite Marauders camp is in Sygian Delta.  The camp is right on the North shore of the river, and is almost exactly due N of the haven.

It's one of the nests on the far side of the river. You'll know you are there when you see you have enter marauders camp message. there where quite a few sobekites there.
- Meya

There were only fleshrenders (yellow con) there when we did the /search, but once we got the item, a red con marauder appeared. Had to chase the marauder half-way across the river though to kill it (thank you bard speed).
- Fangtooth

you should have gotten a ring from the Ranger and you need to hand it over.
The mobs are red to 50. I killed the first mob solo (using end potion) and for the second one I was grouped with a BM as well (I could have killed it solo, but would have been forced to use RAs looking at the damage I was taking)
- Minnal Eurayle

On part one you don't have to kill anything, just /search and get the crate then bring it back.
On part two you will spawn something to kill only after you /search and get the statue.
- Aireona


Shaman reward:
Shamantic Sand Sap     - Nydaevia TheSharp

Chanter reward:
Enchanter's Staff of Sand     11/13
- Xyzir

Friar reward:
Friar's Staff of Sand
Staff:  +3
Parry:  +3
Rejuvenation:  +3
Enhancements:  +3
Bonus to Armor Factos(AF):  8
DPS 15.0  SPD 4.3
100% Quality
35% Bonus     Nov 27
- Entering DrunkenFury

Mentalist Reward:
Mentalist's Staff of Sand   Dec 3
- Yelm

Paladin Reward:
crush 10%
cold 5%
matter 8%    Nov 24
- Toyz

Minstrel Reward:
Sand-edge Axe,
15.5 Dps (!?),
100% Con, Qual, and 35% Bonus.
Slash +4, and then
something like Str Cap Bonus +5,
Con Cap Bonus +5,
and a couple +'s vs certain types of mobs and so forth.
No proc/charge to speak of. HOWEVER, it has a nice flame particle effect, and for what it's worth, 1-hand axes in Albion are rare, so it's kinda cool to have one as a Minstrel.
- Goltana

Infiltrator Reward:
Rapier of Sand
15.5 dps 3.6spd
100 con, dur, qua, 35 bon
+3stealth +3critical strike
+3thrust +3dual wield
bonus to armor factor (AF):

Hunter Reward:
Sand-edged Stout Bow     Feb 1
- Shotin

another Hunter Reward:
+4 Spear
Bonus to Dex attrib bonus cap:  5
Bonus to Str attrib bonus cap:  5
Bonus to Armor Factor: 8
Damage Mod 15.6 Base DPS, 15.3 Clamped DPS 100% Qual, 100% Cond, Bonus 35%, Damage type -Thrust, Effective Damage 15.3
Cannot be dropped or put in your bank.
Cannot be sold to merchants    Dec 8

Valewalker reward:
Sand Scythe
15.5 dps, 4.1 speed
scythe 3 arboreal 3 parry 3
quickness cap +5
AF +8
100 qua, 35 bonus

Berserker reward:
Berserkers may now choose a one- or two- handed sword as part of their reward choices.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

Ring that the nearby guard wants from you, he'll give you a smith token afterwards:
Can't remember the EXACT stats, but there were 3 resists, one 10%, 5% and 8%.
- Goltana

trust me, keep the ring you get, the weapon you get from turning in the ring sucks hardcore, all the fugging work for a shity ass staff that works vs undead
- Arlana Smadrerdig
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