Proof of Integrity Quest Error processing SSI file

Proof of Integrity

Starting NPC:  Pedibastet in mau village to the west of Stygia Haven in Stygian Delta.  He stands out from the rest because he wears all gold.  You have to have neutral Mau of Bastet faction to pick up this quest.

Level Requirement?

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped:
You can do this solo.

1.  Acquire 20 setian ears.  Normal setians do not drop these.  Setian laborers and setian sandscryers do.  A good camp to get these is in the Land of Atum at the tent encampment at 32.6k, 3.3k.

2.  Take them back to the pedibastet
- Airitech

Kill keeper of the stone (for stone of atlantis artifact) and go behind the fort to the temple and use the tuning fork to get the artifact.
Don't know loc of keeper of the stone.   Nov 30
- Twinkletoes Flintstone

no xp no gold
You get a Golden Tuning Fork.  Cannot be put in vault, traded, or sold
- Airitech

Error processing SSI file
Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de  le 02/03/2004