The Search for the Seven Coins Quest Error processing SSI file

The Search for the Seven Coins Quest

Starting NPC:  Alb NPC:  Edgan in Haven of Aerus  at 58k, 61k  - Seekor
Hib NPC:  Jowan is at 58088 61999 in Oceanus Notos  - Tambori
Mid NPC:  Hjerton a merchant in Areus Haven 56k, 61k Oceanus notos  - Orgrune

Level Requirement:  Level 49

Comments on Solo, Grouped, or Battlegrouped: 
This has been done solo, but people have also had trouble with 3.


Talk to the start NPC (listed above).

Centaur is at approx. 25k, 28k.

Cyclops is at 39k, 17k. You have to kill his minions first (2).

Scholar is on the northern shore of the lake, not on the island.   The Scholor named Sage Brindara is at location:  Arbor Glen: =6262, 26126      - Kando and Simiri

The Ghostly Spider spawns at 49k, 16k in Arbor Glen.  Do not kill the ghost spider until the hatchling has spawned first!

The large cat spawns at 52k, 20k in Green Glade.   The cat is not the named lion thing that can be spotted right in that same area.  Rather it is just a saber toothed tiger, or at least was for us.  If you go to 52k, 20k and then go up that hillside (east) a bit there is an outcropping of 3 boulders, we found him in between those rocks.

After killing the cat we had to go back to Jowan in town. 

After you go back and get the pouch you use it at Hjowan.  Go to the loc 42k 56k.  And best idea is to get on the little ramp there, /use pouch again, and the 1 red and  1 OJ mobs(to 50) will spawn.  Pull each mob seperatly to you up there. Its quite easy.

We killed them and that was the end of the quest; back to town and Jowan for the nice ring. 

All mobs are orange to 50 except the newly hatched spider which is yellow, and the final mob which is red. The final part has 2 mobs that need killing, the first is orange. The last two mobs are casters, and go down easily. I soloed the entire quest with a warden.
- Tortall and Manigaech and Seldarion and Mercutio and Teeko


I solo'd the Seven Coins quest as a zerker, with buffs from a bot parked at the haven. Running around the edge of the forest worked for me, along the water edge, zone wall etc. Takes a little longer but you don't have to deal with the mad aggro.  Dec 21
- Kestrell Haxx

We originally tried this with 2 ns and a druid bot, but we could not get passed the Cyclops with his two minions.  At least one minion would aggro the bot on the first heal each time.  Our strategy was to double PA the first minion, then work on the second, but the Cyclops rezed the first one that we killed.  And don't let the oj con fool you; these guys hit harder than typical oj mobs.  We also tried just taking down the Cyclops first to see what would happen.  You can get him down to ½ health, but his health will not go down any further if the minions are still alive.  So we finally had enough after 4 attempts on our own, got 5 guildies and nuked the crap out them

The Ghostly Spider spawns at 51k, 16k in Hypo Aerus,"  left me running in circles for a bit trying to find that zone.  The zone it is in is Arbor Glen, and the Ghostly Spider (red con) spawns at 49K, 16K at about 9 PM game time.   It wanders in close range of those coordinates until at about midnight gametime it spawns its' offspring which con yellow.  Shooting the offspring will not draw aggro from the Ghostly Spider.  There are purple con Skotos cyclops in the area which see invis, and there is also a Djinn teleport stand close by at 43600, 15670.  There are also some named cyclops nearby which I believe are involved in other quests- one is named Jashan.

- Seldarion

Second fallen island isn't where you think it should be. Is actually further south and near zone wall. If you know the ruins with stone lord quest, the correct ruins are just west of there.


2 billion XP (at lvl 50)

Eldritch Reward:
Eldritch had a choice of void, mana, or light
Ring of the Seventh Span   
+4 selected magic skill
+40 hits
6% crush
+15 con
+13 dex    Dec 15
- Manigaech

Hero, Friar, Paladin, Valewalker Reward:
Ring of the Seven Storms
100% Quality, level 50 item.
Parry: 4 pts
Hits: 40 pts
Crush: 6%
Constitution: 15pts
Dexterity: 13 pts     Dec 13
- Verol Faithbringer and Frawin

inf/scout/minstrel, and hunter reward:
Ring of the Sevel Souls
+4 stealth
+40 hits
+6% crush
+15 con
+13 dex
- KabuKi and Mehemet

cleric reward
Ring of the Seven Solstices
+4 rejuv
+40 hits
+6% crush
+15 con
+13 dex
- KabuKi

Necro reward:
Ring of the Seven Sleepers
Death Servant 4
Cold 6%
Hits 40
Constitution 15
Dex 13
- _Kewk_

Enchanter received a choice of either a Light or Mana ring
This is the mana ring:
Mana Magic 4
Crush 6%
hits 40
con 15
dex 13

Theurgist reward:
+4 wind
+40 hits
6% crush
+15 con
+13 dex
i could choose between wind, cold and earth - guessing that if i had choosen earth it would be a +4 earth ring     Nov 16
- Tamas Devantian

Bard reward:
+4 regrowth
+40 hits
6% crush
+15 con
+13 dex   Dec 16
- Ceelia

Skald reward:
Ring of seven storms.
4 parry
6 crush resist
40 hits
15 con
13 dex  Dec 22
- Emblurr

Spiritmaster reward:
was either Suppression or Darkness   Jan 8
- Aulis

Runemaster reward:
was Darkness, Suppression or Runecarving   Jan 8
- Aulis

Error processing SSI file
Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de  le 02/03/2004