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Last modified: Saturday February 28 2004

Banelord Abilities

1 Zone of Unmana - spell unhaste aura
2 Primal Agony - reduce power, fatigue, and health of nearby enemies by 10% of current value
3 Oppression - reduce max encumberance by 25% for a short time
4 Inexorable Defeat - 60% penalty to fatigue costs for nearby enemies
5 Tactical Insight - next attack by nearby enemies has additional 5% chance to miss
6 Snaring Tendrils of Power - root self/snare others
7 Chaotic Power - +5% chance to hit enemies with spells
8 Zealous Martyr - sacrifice health to damage enemies
9 Demoralization - Lower level of enemies for dmg calcs

Oppression, Chaotic Power and Agony Transmission will all now share the same recast timer.
Primal Agony, Tactical Insight and Demoralization will all now share the same recast timer.
Zone of Unmana, Inexorable Defeat and Snaring Tendrils of Power will all now share the same recast timer.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

1 Zone of Unmana - spell unhaste aura

Banelord at ML one,  Zone of Unmana, is a PBAE shout that slows spell casting times for enemies in its radius. /delve didn't give a radius, duration, or value for the effect, and I haven't tested it yet.
The recast timer is 5 minutes.
- Tirral

I tested the Zone of Unmana in Banelord on my shaman and the Duration is 20 sec.
- Ask Fenrisbane, Pellinor

point blank area effect shout that penalizes the casting time of enemy casters
set on a 5 minute timer
the casters right hand glows blue when hit by it.
20 second duration
700 radius
when cast it interrupts the caster
seems to be somewhere between a 20% and 40% debuff on enemy casters speed
does not break mez/root
icon does NOT grey out, so you really dont know if its readily available
- Xetal

I've been hit by it on my ment, 322dex + MoArt2+ 5% casting speed is around 1.4 on my nuke, my nuke is a 2.8 spell.
After I got hit by zone of unmana I was casting at around ~3.5 seconds.
I'd say +2 seconds on spell casting time as a PBAE 15 seconds shout is pretty good, it DOES make PBAE groups a lot gimpier, as they should be.   Nov 27
- Columbos

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2 Primal Agony - reduce power, fatigue, and health of nearby enemies by 10% of current value

When tested, the effect seems to take about 5% (1/20) of the target's hits, power, and endurance.
- Tirral

Banelord MA1 and MA2, both of which are pbae shouts, are on the same 5 minute timer
- Tirral

hit close to 20 mids while they were on a keep door with the BL 2 ability, all but 1 resisted   Dec 11
- Coreana Borealis

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3 Oppression - reduce max encumberance to? 25% for a short time

Was testing this out with a friend of mine who recently reached the third tier of his MA's. The spell effect didn't last long.
But it dropped my encumberance to 116.
My encumberance at the time was 554 (with a healers base strength buff).
I don't know believe the description of the Oppression ML ability is correct. It was closer to an 80% reduction in carry capacity. Would be an excellent means to clean a heavy tank off its target.
Fortunatly (for me), the targets encumberance value quickly return to normal over the next 5-10 seconds.   Nov 27
- Madkobold Nurpants

what banelord 3 probably is.. reduce enemies encumbrance to 25% not by 25%.   Nov 29
- plaguemaster01

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4 Inexorable Defeat - 60% penalty to fatigue costs for nearby enemies

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5 Tactical Insight - next attack by nearby enemies has additional 5% chance to miss

Well, when tactical insight is popped and active, it prevents all your casters and healers casting any spells.
Not interrupted not any message. When ya try to cast, nothing happens.
A tad hash price for 5% increased miss rate for enemies.
Bug? I hope so.
Already appealed it.   Dec 19
Cannot use Purge, IP, TW or flurry either when TI is active.
Or bane 1-4 abilities.  Dec 20
- Kraji

Your group can't heal or instant anything during it's duration.
Tactical Insight is Tactical Suicide until it is fixed.
Please Fix Banelord level 5!
Your enemy can cast just fine.    Jan 10
- Galroth

not only your group , the spell affect every realm mate in the spell range.
no spells , no chants , no insta , no active RA   Jan 10
- Ryzen

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6 Snaring Tendrils of Power - root self/snare others

Banelord ML6 ability is as follows, tested in RvR:
STUN self snare others, the stun is full duration looked to be around 6-9 seconds, not 3 seconds as specified.  Currently cannot do ANYTHING until effect wears off.  it does snare everyone around you and there is no delve on teh effect either.  Resist rate on it wasn't bad at all, there were a few tiems I nailed everyone around me, but also a few times where a couple resisted, pretty normal resist rates.  Jan 15
I tested it out some more and the stun effect on self is 10 minutes without det, it can be purged, I am assuming det lowers the time of stun duration.  Jan 20
- Tytyn

Testing is limited, because when used in duels, it ends the duel immediately.
The power has no Delve Info.  Icon looks like an AE Root Icon.
Testing on Grey mobs shows it to be an AE Snare Effect that Lasts 10 seconds.  (Unable to get Snare effect due to limited testing.  Appeared to be between 35 and 50%)
Drawback to the user is a 3 second 'Stun' effect. (They call it a Stun, but I think it's just a Root)
Recast Timer is 10 Seconds.  AE Range was not tested.   Jan 10
- Arglaar

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7 Chaotic Power - +5% chance to hit enemies with spells

"Point blank area effect shout that makes it easier for nearby allies to hit enemies"
It lasts for 30 seconds. It doesn't change your weapon skill or any other stat that i can see. Bad news is that its on the same timer as the Banelord 1-4 abilities.   Dec 30
- Gariel Saberheart

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8 Agony Transmission - sacrifice health to damage enemies

Its pbaoe shout that takes away health, power, and end of enemies. I tested twice when I dueled a wizard. First time, it hit for 327. Second time it criticaled for 460 damage. Both times it took his end and power down to 70%. Now for the bad news. It takes you down to 27% health. Not sure if i will be using this one much or not.   Dec 31
- Gariel Saberheart

Its on a 10 minute timer, on its own timer. I tested it out on a reaver today. It was hiting for about 420. It seems the damage is percentage based, taking about 30% of the health, power, and endurance. It takes about 75% of your health.  Jan 1
- Gariel Saberheart

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9 Demoralization - Lower level of enemies for dmg calcs

Delve info says lower's enemy spec level for variance and damage calc purposes.
SO, I decided to go to Pendragon and test this with my thane on antoher account.

50 Champion
44+13 blunt
46+13 shield

Other me:
50 Thane
44+6 Axe
42+14 shield

repeatedly attacked my champion with my thane unstyled and broke for heals once in a while. Thane damage ranged from 110-140 damage unstyled without any crits. I repeatedly attacked champ with same results without ML9 ability, and then I blew ML9 ability and tested damage and checked stats on thane. Absolutely NOTHING changed on my thane, no spec level drop, no stat drop and in fact it seemed as though my hits were more consistent.

Next there happened to be a 2h savage in emain so I tested it a bit with him. Unstyled he hit for 340-360 no including crits, however when I used my ML9 ability on him it seemed that he CONSISTENTLY hit for ~350.

I'm working on getting logs parsed and what nto and will post when I get a chance, but I tell you what, after 3 months of GRINDING to get ML9 finished and having an ability that does absolutely SQUAT it is VERY disappointing.  Feb 8
- Dydyn

I believe both Warlord and Banelord ML9 only adjust level based to-hit bonus.
Level based to-hit bonus only works in PvE, it was taken out a long time ago in RvR.  Feb 8
- Gladton

The thing about this is that the delve description says that it lowers enemy level in reference to damage calculations, not to-hit bonus. It sounds like it's broken and does nothing now, which is a real shame.  Feb 9
- Kenolil Bladewreath

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Last modified: Saturday February 28 2004
Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de  le 02/03/2004