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Last modified: Saturday February 28 2004

Battlemaster Abilities

1 Sapping Strike - any weapon style that has med dmg, high cost, bonus to hit,penalty to defense, blinds target for 5 seconds (no resistances applied)
2 Faultfinder - +10% Parry/+10% Evade/-35% Dmg Stance (intended to be comboed with Bodyguard or Parry Guard)
3 Power Leak - any weapon style that costs 100 fatigue (full fatigue), when it hits an object, damage isn't divided by 30
4 Grapple - any weapon style that drains 50 fatigue, does low damage, has bonus to hit, penalty to defense
5 Essence Flames - any weapon style that drains 35% of the target's current power, does low damage, has bonus to hit, penalty to defense
6 Throw Weapon - do a ranged attack at 700 range using melee damage formulas; cannot attack with normal melee for two full rounds (based on weapon's attack timer) afterwards
7 Essence Sear - style that chains off of Essence Flames, procs an Essence resist debuff on nearby enemies
8 Bodyguard - Defensive chances (evade/parry) are reduced by 20%, but target of bodyguard can't be attacked in melee until bodyguard is killed or moves out of range.
9 Essence Dampen - Style that procs a PBAE suppress that reduces the value of strength/con buffs by 40, removing them if they go below zero. Side positional.
10 Essence Shatter - removes a random buff from an opponent

1 Sapping Strike - any weapon style that has med dmg, high cost, bonus to hit,penalty to defense, blinds target for 5 seconds (no resistances applied)

Battlemaster MLA 1 - Sapping Strike (Style)
Position: Anytime
Effect: Sapping Strike (Target's endurance is reduced by 50%)
Damage: High
Fatigue Cost: High (On my armsman it is around 50%)
Damage: High
To-Hit Bonus: High
Defense Penalty: Medium Penalty
There is no timer on Sapping Strike.
- Omnimon Espiritus

 - Sapping Strike and Power Leak will now have fixed endurance costs.   (from 11/11 patch notes)

I just received the sapping strike ability and every hit during a duel, the opponent received a message that only 25% of his endurance was reduced.   Dec 3
- Mcstein

Sapping Strike drains 1/2 of your opponents End.  Does not blind.   Nov 14
- Orenevl

As an addition to Battlestrike info, it seems the end drain effect is PBAOE as well. At least in PvE the style effect animation affects multiple mobs. Hard to test the effect PvP as I can only duel one person at a time.
- Hafta Killya

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2 Faultfinder - +10% Parry/+10% Evade/-35% Dmg Siege Style (intended to be comboed with Bodyguard or Parry Guard)

This style is for doors, not against players.

More info on Faultfinder Battlemaster style. I joined a BG and we went to take Bolg. I could use Faultfinder about every other swing, so every 8 seconds. You crit on doors a lot still with Faultfinder, except I was getting hits like this 379+158 379+224 379+313 379+375
- NavneimuFurystick

Faultfinder  (burns 60% end, animation of moose mode + celtic dual style - delves no opening, high fa, high dmg, high bonus to hit, med bonus to def)siege only style? doesn't work on players or mobs.
- Rav

It is a siege style and unable to work on players. I hit a door for 27 with a normal style then 379 with Faultfinder. That's just about ram damage.
Faultfinder, currently you can chain it as long as you have the endurance.
- NavneimuFurystick

BM ML2 is a siege style, not a stance!   Nov 30

Should also note that slower weapons increase the endurance cost of using styles. With Faultfinder, using a 2H increases the endurace cost to over 100% of your endurance..... IE people who use 2H can not use Faultfinder.
at least, Mids can't use FF with a 2H   Dec 18
- Asgar1

Try faster 2h'rs. I can't use FF with my slow spears (5.6 - 5.7), but I can use it with mid range 4.x spears which will hit for ~322 dmg. I have gotten close to 100% crits many times with it also which makes my 'normal' dmg 500 - 600.
This is the same for those using LWs in hib. The mid range 4.x LWs work with FF.   Dec 18
- Seter

Fault Finder with a 4.2 speed staff (door basher w/ haste proc) hits for 330 damage on a door that I'd otherwise be hitting for 20, and I can use it every 8th swing with my own endurance regeneration, every 4rd swing with a paladin's endurance regeneration, compared to about 30-35 damage styled, I'd say that's an improvement  Dec 18
- Kaelen

I noticed a Mid said that none of their 2H wielders can use Faultfinder due to End restraints. As a Friar on Lancelot, I have no trouble using it. It's to the point that when the call goes out for Rams, my Guildies respond with 'Kriesha is a Ram.' Now here's the stats. I can whack a door with my 99% staff for 297 points of damage, and 402 points with my MP. Those numbers are consistent, every time, same numbers. When I crit with the MP, I may get another 250-280, bringing the total damage to almost 700. The only hitch is that I can only swing FF every 3-4 swings due to the reset timer, but with a Pally, and my own End buff, I could do that all day long. At least that's how it was until Sunday. Seems to me that I've been nerfed. After a few FF swings on the door now, it seems I can't get another one off, ever, I keep getting the 'too fatigued' message despite definitely being at full End. I will report more as I test more. Many thanx to our Mids for providing doors for my tests.   Dec 29
- Kriesha Fauxmage

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3 Power Leak - any weapon style that costs 100 fatigue (full fatigue), when it hits an object, damage isn't divided by 30

 - Sapping Strike and Power Leak will now have fixed endurance costs.   (from 11/11 patch notes)

Power Leak. Hit a bard for low dmg, took 50% of my end and about 16% of his power.    Nov 16
- Seter

This is a weapon style that drains 17-21% of the targets power at a cost of 50% of your endurance. Again, if you get blocked, parried, evaded you are still out 50% of your endurance. Also, just like sapping strike, it CAN BE RESISTED. From my testing it would appear to be resisted much more than sapping strike. The power leak ability is also a very small radius effect.    Nov 16
- Uludar

hmmm it has an aoe effect again as i understand it.    Nov 16
- Arthoron

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4 Grapple - any weapon style that drains 50 fatigue, does low damage, has bonus to hit, penalty to defense

Battlemaster 4 is grapple (100% snare on you and your target, so it would be used to stop a tank from charging past you and onto your healers)   Nov 23
- Bakedbeans

Grappled targets can no longer be attacked in melee (you will still be able to attack with arrows). Additionally, Grapple now correctly stuns the caster for 12 seconds. This fixes a bug that allowed the caster doing the grappling to continue casting other spells.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

Grapple is an ability that works at about 100 range. It roots your target in place and you in place for about 10 seconds. During this time you cannot attack, nor can your attacker attack. I did not see any resists either which is very good. It also does not have a recaster timer.    Nov 23
- Uladar

With the current implementation of Grapple, if your target dies while grappled, you (the caster of Grapple) remain stunned for the duration of the effect. So if you cast Grapple and your opponent is immediately killed, you are stunned for 10 seconds.  Feb 18
- Ciaine

Regarding Speed of Sound:  Your target is still grappled. The difference is they can still move-SoS trumps ANY ability that causes immobilization.   Jan 20
- Hoirip

grapple cannot be purged    Nov 23
- Alcara Argenta

There's no recast timer on the ability, so you can just continue to "spam" or hit the grapple button over and over and over again, resetting that 10 second timer over and over and over again.    Nov 27
- Sivitri Quisinthol

50% fatigue   Nov 27
- Star_dogg

Stun compared to Grapple:
-stun lasts 1 second less (lol, I know :-) )
-after the 9secs expired you are immune to stun for 1 minute (and maybe you moc within this minute)
-stun is purgeable!
-Albion only: stun immunity during SOS

-grapple can be chained
-grapple has no immunity timer
-grapple cannot be purged
-grapple isn't affected by bt, guard, and hit/miss   Nov 27
- Ignaz2

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5 Essence Flames - any weapon style that drains 35% of the target's current power, does low damage, has bonus to hit, penalty to defense

Weapon style that has a high endurance cost (nothing like the previous abilities), high to-hit and procs essence flames. Essence Flames is a proc that is Area Effect that allows the user to have a chance of gaining extra essence damage (when you get hit by it it says the effect is permanent).
In a duel situation it did not appear to do anything. No noticable damage increase at all, but will post more with further testing.    Nov 30
- Uladar

Battlemaster further testing. I used this ability in PvE, basically it is a weapon style that gives you a buff where you then have a chance to proc the Essence Flames. For me the endurance cost is 40% of my endurance pool. The effect appears to last only about 10 seconds. The damage done was around 175, and it is not like a normal spell effect, it is more like an additional attack.
The Proc from Essence flames does not appear to go off all that often, pretty much the same chance to go off as a normal weapon proc. The up side is that it is area effect, giving all your realm mates the ability to proc Essence Flames damage.    Nov 30
- Uladar

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6 Throw Weapon - do a ranged attack at 700 range using melee damage formulas; cannot attack with normal melee for two full rounds (based on weapon's attack timer) afterwards

Throw weapon seems kinda fun. Just got it last night so haven't tried it in rvr. Doesn't seem to have a very long range though, I'd compare it to shorter than my short bow range.  Dec 20
- Seter

How many times can you throw a weapon before it wears off?"
One throw. Then it depends on your weapon speed when you can attack again. Anywhere from 6-10 seconds I'd say.
And it does PF.
Yes, you can use it while moving. It is a melee style and all styles can be used while moving.  Feb 26
- Khail Wayland

The Throw Weapon ML ability now checks to see if the user has line of sight to the target before firing.
(1.68 patch, Feb 19, 2004)

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7 Essence Sear - style that chains off of Essence Flames, procs an Essence resist debuff on nearby enemies

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8 Bodyguard - Defensive chances (evade/parry) are reduced by 20%, but target of bodyguard can't be attacked in melee until bodyguard is killed or moves out of range.

Screen shot of the effect, and another screen shot   Jan 20
- Yihr

The person being bodyguarded has to stand still (you can rotate, but you cannot move your feet).  Don't af the bodyguard because the bodyguard guy can still move around within a certain range of the person he is bodyguarding.  Casters can still interrupt and kill the person being bodyguarded, but melee attacks cannot touch him.
Bodyguard does not work in pve.

 Extra Bodyguard checks are now made to prevent multiple/chained Bodyguards.
(from 1.67f release notes Jan 28)

"Can the person guarding still fight with weapons without breaking the guard?"  Yes

"Can the person being guarded still fight with melee without breaking the guard?"  if the person stands still.   Jan 20
- Niila Soulblaze

If an enemy is attacking a bodyguarded person they will get the message "You have to kill <name>" which is the name of bodyguard.  Jan 20
- Murphys

Bodyguard does work, just have to be within 500 units of the guarded person, who cannot move. The Bodyguard can move around and fight and still protect the person, and that person can cast and melee, just has to stand still. So, its very nice for guarding a healer/caster from assist train.
It doesn't seem to have a limit on how many people it can stop, the most I've seen is 5 people's spam at once when I used it to protect a pbae'er.  Jan 20
- Meeligrum

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9 Essence Dampen - Style that procs a PBAE suppress that reduces the value of strength/con buffs by 40, removing them if they go below zero. Side positional.

Essense Dampen, dex/qui pbaoe debuff style. Took 39% end and debuffed my champ friend for 35 dex and 29 quick with dmg just above base dmg... not worth it.  Jan 31
- Seter

ML 9 Battlemaster Ability is Essence Dampen. PBAE Dex/Quick debuff style, 25 value   Jan 1
- Gilean

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10 Essence Shatter - removes a random buff from an opponent

Takes a ton of end, but removes a random buff off your opponent.    Feb 11
- Seven
Last modified: Saturday February 28 2004
Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de  le 02/03/2004